Saturday, December 8, 2012

Roman Art

When? in the 8th century BC.

Excelled in what? art and architecture. used arches, vaults, and concrete. (better than anyone else)
Arch- curved architectural element used to span an opening.
Vault- arched roof or covering made of brick, stone, or concrete. 

The Colosseum:
Walls: made of concrete, plaster and marble
Height: 16 stories high
Capacity: it held 50,000 people

The Pantheon:
walls: 20 feet thick
floors: 144 feet in diameter
dome: 144 feet from the floor and it is thicker at the base
Oculus: 30 feet wide whole at the top of the dome
Portico: front porch
drainage system: in the floor

Arch of Constantine:
celebrates what? Constantine's assumption of power 

Forum Romanum:  was a place for political gatherings, a mall, and a place of discussion

Aqueducts: (a marvel of engineering!)
use: was to bring water from the mountains down to there cities

Column of Trajan:
Trajan's ashes are inside and on the outside there are comic strips of Trajan's victories in battle


size: 1/2 cm. each piece
smallest stones: 150 tiles per 1 square cm.